Application for Free Trial Course

Application for Free Trial Course

Upon filling out this following application, you will be contacted by our office to receive the course requirements and materials list for the course The King James Controversy – BI403.

General Information

Check one:(required)

How did you hear of BCA?(required)

Have you ever been convicted for the violation of any Federal, State, County, or Municipality law (excluding minor traffic violations)?

Ethnic Origin (This information is required by the Civil Rights Act.)(required)

Educational Information

Did you graduate from high school?(required)

If no, have you obtained a G.E.D.?

Background Information

Are you a minister?(required)

Financial Information

No application fee, registration fee, or tuition cost is required for this free trial course. The required materials must be obtained by the student. Upon submission, you will be redirected to our publications store where you can purchase this book if needed.

BCA Policies

1.         Baptist College of America is a local church ministry (Ecclesiastical Corporation) of Temple Baptist Church of Kokomo, Indiana.  The sole purpose of Baptist College of America is to train Christians to serve in the ministries of local New Testament churches of like faith and practice.

2.         Baptist College of America is not licensed or approved by the state of Indiana and does not guarantee that any of its degrees or credits will be recognized by any other institution.  Baptist College of America is not accredited by any person, organization, or government agency.  While Baptist College of America is not accredited, the course of instruction and the individual classes are widely accepted by fundamental colleges and mission boards as college-level work.
