List of Courses

A separate listing of courses offered with their complete description can be obtained by contacting the college office and requesting the Description of Courses.

Department of Bible

BI 101 – Old Testament Survey

BI 102 – New Testament Survey

BI 103 – Personal Evangelism

BI 111 – Concentrated Evangelism 

BI 121 – Parables                       

BI 131 – Galatians   

BI 141 – I & II Peter

BI 200 – Genesis      

BI 202 – Romans

BI 203 – I Corinthians              

BI 204 – Biblical Character Traits I

BI 205 – Biblical Character Traits II 

BI 211 – Holy Spirit

BI 213 – Bible and Science

BI 225 – Prayer 

BI 227 – Biblical Standards

BI 300 – Ecclesiastes

BI 301 – Gospel of John           

BI 302 – Gospel of Matthew

BI 303 – Acts I

BI 304 – Acts II                          

BI 305 – Gospel of Luke          

BI 310 – Bible Doctrines          

BI 311 – Hebrews                      

BI 312 – Contemporary Theology 

BI 313 – Ecclesiology

BI 314 – Pneumatology            

BI 316 – Proverbs

BI 318 – Eschatology

BI 325 – Christ in the Old Testament

BI 401 – Isaiah                           

BI 402 – Revelation

BI 403 – The King James Controversy

BI 404 – Minor Prophets

BI 405 – Bible Versions

BI 406 – New Age Movement

BI 407 – Biblical Fasting

BI 410 – David: His Journey to Brokenness

BI 411 – David: His Journey to Greatness

BI 421 – Pastoral Epistles

BI 443 – Paul

BI 501 – Topical Bible Studies

BI 503 – Acts

BI 505 – Bible Versions 

BI 506 – The King James Controversy

BI 507 – Biblical Fasting         

BI 507 – Biblical Fasting         

BI 511 – Holy Spirit

BI 512 – Bible Characters I

BI 513 – Bible Characters II

BI 517 – Gospel of Mark 

BI 521 – Parables                       

BI 522 – Genesis                        

BI 525 – Prayer                          

BI 526 – Christ in the Old Testament

BI 540 – Life of Christ I           

BI 541 – Life of Christ II         

BI 542 – History of Israel         

BI 543 – Romans                       

BI 544 – Gospel of John           

BI 545 – I & II Peter

BI 601 – Typology

BI 602 – Paul

BI 607 – Biblical Fasting

BI 611 – Bible Characters I

BI 612 – Bible Characters II

BI 613 – Psalms I

BI 614 – Psalms II

BI 621 – Proverbs I

BI 622 – Proverbs II

BI 641 – OT Exegesis (Gen. – Deut.)

BI 642 – OT Exegesis (Josh – II Kings)

BI 643 – OT Exegesis (I Chr. – Esther)

BI 644 – OT Exegesis (Job – Song of Sol)

BI 645 – OT Exegesis (Isa. – Ezekiel)

BI 646 – OT Exegesis (Dan. – Mal.)

BI 655 – Thesis

BI 681 – Internship

BI 701 – The King James Bible

BI 741 – NT Exegesis (Matt. – Mark)

BI 742 – NT Exegesis (Luke -John)

BI 743 – NT Exegesis (Acts, James, Gal., & Philippians)

BI 744 – NT Exegesis (Rom. – II Cor.)

BI 745 – NT Exegesis (Eph., Col.,       I Tim. – Heb., I – III Jn.)

BI 746 – NT Exegesis (I & II Thess.,   I & II Peter, Jude – Revelation)

BI 755 – Thesis

Department of Business

BU 100 – Personal Finance

BU 102 – Beginning Computer

BU 103 – Introduction to Computers 

BU 105 – Administrative Assistant I

BU 106 – Administrative Assistant II

BU 201 – Business Communication

BU 202 – Record Management 

BU 205 – Secretarial Accounting I

BU 206 – Secretarial Accounting II

BU 207 – Secretarial Management

BU 210 – Financial Management I

BU 211 – Financial Management II

BU 212 – Church Communication

BU 213 – Finance I

BU 214 – Finance II

BU 301 – Windows

BU 402 – Budget and Banking

BU 407 – Tax Law

BU 500 – Personal Finance

BU 600 – Personal Finance

BU 620 – Record Management

Department of Church Education

CE 101 – Church Education    

CE 102 – Church Education    

CE 103 – Church Education

CE 104 – Church Education    

CE 201 – Church Education 

CE 202 – Church Education    

CE 211 – Christian Manhood  

CE 212 – Church Education

CE 236 – Bus Ministry

CE 241 – Applied Bus Work I

CE 242 – Applied Bus Work II

CE 243 – Applied Bus Work III

CE 244 – Church Education

CE 301 – Church Education    

CE 302 – Church Education    

CE 307 – Youth Ministry

CE 401 – Church Education

CE 402 – Church Education

CE 501 – Church Education

Department of Education

ED 107 – Bible Study Aids

ED 109 – Introduction to Education

ED 202 – Education Concepts

ED 209 – General Teaching Methods

ED 213 – Philosophy of Chr. Ed.

ED 301 – Teaching Math I

ED 302 – Teaching Math II

ED 311 – Teaching Science I  

ED 312 – Teaching Science II

ED 321 -Teaching Reading and Language Arts 

ED 331- Teaching History

ED 400 – Student Teaching     

ED 402 – School Administration

ED 404 – Special Teaching Methods

ED 421 – Education Seminar

ED 502 – School Administration

ED 550 – Economics

ED 650 – Speed Reading

Department of English

EN 101 – English Composition I

EN 102 – English Composition II

EN 112 – Speech      

EN 130 – Bio. of Jonathan Goforth

EN 132 – Bio. of George Mueller

EN 134 – Biography of J. Frank Norris

EN 144 – Biography of John Bunyan

EN 201 – Sophomore English

EN 205 – Secretary’s Writing Seminar

EN 243 – Biography of William Carey

EN 301 – Literature I                

EN 302 – Literature II

EN 311 – Biographies of Great Men

EN 321 – Bio. of Christian Ladies

EN 331 – Bio. of George Whitefield

EN 333 – Biography of D.L. Moody

EN 335 – Biography of Sam Jones

EN 336 – Biography of Charles Finney

EN 337 – Bio. of David Brainerd

EN 401 – Children’s Literature

EN 420 – Teacher’s Writing Seminar

EN 422 – Preacher’s Writing Seminar 

EN 501 – Literature 

EN 604 – Biography of Isaac Watts

Department of History

HI 101 – History of Civilization I 

HI 102 – History of Civilization II 

HI 103 – Synopsis of Amer. History

HI 104 – Baptist History I        

HI 105 – Baptist History II

HI 201 – American History I

HI 202 – American History II

HI 303 – Martyrs

HI 422 – History of Evangelism 

HI 504 – Baptist History I        

HI 505 – Baptist History II

HI 601 – Martyrs                        

HI 611 – Church History          

HI 621 – History of the Jews

HI 701 – Baptist History I

HI 702 – Baptist History II

Department of Homemaking

HO 102 – Home Economics    

HO 201 – Lady Staff Member

HO 203 – Christian Womanhood I

HO 204 – Women Used of God

HO 205 – The Christian Wife

HO 208 – Communication in Marriage

HO 211 – Family I

HO 212 – Family II

HO 303 – Christian Womanhood II

HO 306 – How to Rear Children

HO 323 – Christian Ladies’ Attitude &  Appearance

Department of Leadership Training

LS 203 – Thinking by Priorities

LS 207 – Growth Principles

LS 215 – Communications

LS 306 – Preparation for Leadership

LS 307 – Leadership Models

LS 308 – Attributes of a Leader I

LS 309 – Attributes of a Leader II

LS 310 – The Art of Overcoming

LS 311 – The Servant Leader

LS 312 – Leaders and Relationships

LS 313 – Building Leaders for the Future

LS 314 – Time Management

LS 315 – Expanding Your Leadership

LS 316 – Developing Leadership Skills

LS 317 – Flexibility in Leadership

LS 406 – Principles of Leadership I

LS 407 – Principles of Leadership II

LS 408 – Becoming a Leader I

LS 409 – Becoming a Leader II

LS 410 – Decision Making

LS 411 – Mentoring

LS 510 – Leadership Principles

LS 610 – Decision Making

LS 614 – Time Management

LS 701 – Understanding Conversations

Department of Mathematics

MA 101 – General Mathematics

MA 119 – Beginning Accounting

MA 120 – Beginning Bookkeeping

MA 201 – Fundamentals of Math

MA 401 – Business Mathematics

Department of Missions

MI 101 – Mission Education I

MI 102 – Mission Education II

MI 112 – Customs and Culture

MI 201 – Introduction to Missions 

MI 202 – History of Missions

MI 203 – Mission Education III

MI 204 – Mission Education IV

MI 211 – Spanish I

MI 212 – Spanish II

MI 301 – Mission Education V

MI 302 – Mission Education VI

MI 303 – Preparing Family for Missions

MI 340 – Basic Elect., Mech., & Building

MI 345 – Starting a Church I

MI 346 – Starting a Church II

MI 401 – Mission Education VII

MI 402 – Mission Education VIII

MI 445 – A Theology of Missions

MI 501 – Mission Education I

MI 502 – Mission Education II

MI 503 – Mission Education III

MI 504 – Mission Education IV

Department of Music

MU 101 – Fundamentals of Music

MU 102 – Congregational Directing

MU 201 – Organizing and Directing Church Choir

MU 341 – History of Music I

MU 342 – History of Music II

MU 441 – Music in a Soul Winning Church

Department of Pastoral Ministries

PM 221 – Homiletics I 

PM 222 – Homiletics II

PM 301 – Second Man             

PM 441 – Church Administration

PM 520 – Pastoral Leadership

PM 521 – Homiletics I              

PM 522 – Homiletics II            

PM 531 – Pastoral Ministry

PM 541 – Church Ministry I

PM 542 – Church Ministry II

PM 544 – Ministering to the Membership

PM 621 – Pastoral Leadership I

PM 622 – Pastoral Leadership II

PM 632 – Pastoral Care

PM 644 – Ministering to the Membership

PM 645 – Pastoral Administration

PM 741 – Pastoral Theology

Department of Psychology

PS 101 – Discipleship I

PS 102 – Discipleship II

PS 201 – Applied Psychology

PS 301 – Educational Psychology

PS 310 – Marital Counseling 

PS 312 – Family Relationships

PS 412 – Principles of Character

PS 420 – Counseling

PS 421 – Pastoral Counseling 

PS 501 – Counseling Men

PS 510 – Marital Counseling

PS 519 – Pastoral Counseling I

PS 520 – Pastoral Counseling I

PS 521 – Pastoral Counseling III

PS 522 – Counseling I

PS 523 – Counseling II

PS 524 – Counseling III

PS 530 – Counseling on Practical Issues

PS 539 – Basic Principles of Counseling

PS 540 – Counseling on Social Issues I

PS 541-Counseling on Social Issues II

PS 610 – Student Counseling I

PS 611 – Student Counseling II

PS 614 – Marital Counseling

PS 615 – Sociology

PS 628 – Biblical Counseling I

PS 629 – Biblical Counseling II

PS 633 – Special Counseling Needs

PS 640 – Abnormal Psychology

PS 711 – Christian Counseling IPS 712 – Christian Counseling II

Department of Religious Education

RE 540 – Teaching Internship

RE 541 – Intro. to Christian Ed. I

RE 542 – Intro. to Christian Ed. II

RE 543 – History of Christian Ed.

RE 544 – Theology of Christian Ed.

RE 614 – Administration I

RE 615 – Administration II     

RE 628 – The Art of Teaching I

RE 629 – The Art of Teaching II

RE 632 – Curriculum Development I

RE 633 – Curriculum Development II

RE 640 – School Finances

RE 642 – Apologetics I

RE 643 – Apologetics II

RE 678 – Advanced Apologetics I

RE 679 – Advanced Apologetics IIRE 681 – Internship

Department of Religion

REL 205 – World Religions

REL 400 – Islam

REL 440 – Charismatic Movement I

REL 441 – Charismatic Movement II

REL 447 – False Gods

REL 540 – Charismatic Movement

REL 541 – History of Christianity

REL 545 – Comparative Religions I

REL 546 – Comparative Religions II

REL 701 – Pagan Religions I

REL 702 – Pagan Religions II

REL 703 – Pagan Religions III

REL 711 – World Religions

REL 721 – Eastern Religions

REL 731 – Judaism

REL 740 – Charismatic MovementREL 741 – Masonry

Department of Science

SC 201 – Biology

SC 302 – Physical Science I

SC 303 – Physical Science II

Department of Theology

TH 510 – Systematic Theology 

TH 521 – Advanced Theology I

TH 522 – Advanced Theology II

TH 523 – Advanced Theology IIITH 541 – Hermeneutics

TH 542 – Dispensationalism 

TH 583 – Eschatology I

TH 584 – Eschatology II

TH 610 – Systematic Theology