America’s Premier Correspondence Bible College
A Letter from the Baptist College of America President:
I would like to encourage you to prayerfully consider Baptist College of America. I believe that it is a unique Bible college that offers the balance between a red-hot, fundamental, soul-winning college and a solid academic institution that offers students the opportunity to study at home.
It is ideal for the older student who desires to prepare for the ministry and still serve in his church. It is also a wonderful opportunity for a Sunday school teacher, Christian schoolteacher, deacon, bus captain or church member to pursue Bible courses at home and put their learning to use in their home church.
Baptist College of America is a ministry of the Temple Baptist Church of Kokomo, Indiana, which is, without apology, an independent, fundamental Baptist church!
Dr. Mike Holloway
President and Founder, Baptist College of America

Biblical Fasting
How to Rediscover the Biblical Practice of Fasting
Dr. Holloway’s newest book release is NOW AVAILABLE!
Free Course Registration
Interested in a free course that allows you to get a feel for our correspondent program before enrolling? BI 403 – The King James Controversy includes a study of Dr. Holloway’s book entitled Common Sense and the King James Bible and provides 2 credits upon completion that will count towards your degree if you wish to enroll. To request more information, please fill out the form below.

BCA Publications

Broken Chains Ministry

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