Application for Enrollment

Application for Enrollment

Please read before filling out the application

Here at BCA, we offer two options for completing courses. Two options – same study material and same degree. 

One is our TRADITIONAL format that was developed prior to the internet and is more old-school oriented.  It consists of a question bank that is provided for each course which requires providing written or typed answers to the questions that can then be emailed or sent to BCA to be graded. 

The ONLINE format provides the same material in an online classroom which is similar to other online courses of study. It consists of modules containing questions for each lesson which are then answered and submitted for grading through the online portal. 

Upon filling out the following application, you will be required to pay a $40 non-refundable application fee.

For our traditional course of study, proceed to fill out the application below. If you wish to apply for the online method, click here.

General Information

Check one:(required)

How did you hear of BCA?(required)

Level of study(required)

Marital Status(required)

Have you ever been convicted for the violation of any Federal, State, County, or Municipality law (excluding minor traffic violations)? (required)

Ethnic Origin (This information is required by the Civil Rights Act.)(required)


Are you a citizen of the United States of America?(required)

Educational Information

Did you graduate from high school?(required)

If no, have you obtained a G.E.D.?

List all colleges attended in chronological order (most recent first):

College #1

College #2

College #3

Are you currently enrolled in the last institution attended?

Are you eligible for readmission to that institution?

Military Service

Are you now serving or have you served in the armed forces of the U.S.?(required)

Background Information

Are you a minister?(required)

If yes, are you licensed?

If yes, are you ordained?

Financial Information

Tuition and fees are due at the time of enrollment.  However, in an effort to aid students, we have provided three payment options.  (Note: Discounts are for TUITION ONLY.  Application and registration fees are not discounted.) Underneath the program that you are applying for, please select which monthly payment you would like:

Bachelor's Program Tuition – $1,800.00/yr.

Master's Program Tuition – $2,150.00/yr.

Doctorate Program Tuition – $2,500.00/yr.

BCA Policies

1.         Baptist College of America is a local church ministry (Ecclesiastical Corporation) of Temple Baptist Church of Kokomo, Indiana.  The sole purpose of Baptist College of America is to train Christians to serve in the ministries of local New Testament churches of like faith and practice.

2.         Baptist College of America is not licensed or approved by the state of Indiana and does not guarantee that any of its degrees or credits will be recognized by any other institution.  Baptist College of America is not accredited by any person, organization, or government agency.  While Baptist College of America is not accredited, the course of instruction and the individual classes are widely accepted by fundamental colleges and mission boards as college-level work.

3.         The $40.00 Application fee and the $55.00 Registration fee are non-refundable.  The signing of this application is considered signing a contract with BCA.  Fifteen days after receiving the study guide materials the student is liable for the entire amount of the program into which he enrolls.